Wednesday 22 October 2014

Fabregas could be next Chelsea captain, hints Mourinho

Fabregas could be next Chelsea captain, hints Mourinho

The Spaniard has notched nine assists in his first 10 appearances for the Blues and his manager now says he can understand why he wore the armband at Arsenal

Fabregas has made an exceptional start to his Blues career since joining from Barcelona in a €36 million deal in the summer, racking up nine assists in his first 11 appearances in all competitions.

Many Arsenal fans have watched their former idol's performances with a mixture of sadness and frustration, and Mourinho has now twisted the knife further by hinting that Fabregas could one day inherit the armband from Terry.

"[Fabregas] is a better guy than I thought", the Portuguese told ITV. "He’s a fantastic guy, he’s a fantastic professional.

"Now I understand why at the age of 19 or 20 or 21 he was Arsenal captain."

Mourinho then added: "When I am the manager at Chelsea the armband will go to another arm that has been in this club for many many years.

"But one thing is [the leader’s] brain needs to be connected with the manager, and his brain is connected to mine during matches."

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